Your Talking Body,
Our Listening Hands. 

Release, Relax, Revive


Our Therapies

We provide a welcome atmosphere for all of our Therapies.

Below is a list of everything we do, including the benefits of each treatment.


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The use of plants as medicine can be traced back 60,000 years.

The roots of aromatherapy can be traced back to 3,500 BC when the use of aromatics

Essential oils are found in all plants, with each plant producing a different type of oil which can be used to help heal and improve various areas of the body, and these are what are used in Aromatherapy when treating clients.
Essential oils can enter the body in two ways: By inhalation, or through the skin via a topical application.
The smell of the oils releases neuro chemicals in the body which can be relaxing, stimulating, energising or sedative.
When massaged into the skin, the oils are transported around the body and can reach all areas.
Aromatherapy will involve a consultation to establish a full medical history and the desired outcome, and a blend of oils will be created, for massage.
Other products may also be made up for the client to use in between visits, such as bath oils, shower gels, candles, shampoos and conditioners, bubble bath, creams etc.


  • Can help to lift the mood, relieve depression, reduce stress
    and relieve anxiety
  • Helps to improve focus and boost energy
  • Helps to reduce physical pain
  • Helps improve sleep
  • Aids digestion
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Helps to balance hormone levels and relieve the symptoms of
    PMT or the menopause
  • Can help with skin problems
  • Helps to relieve the symptoms of colds
  • Helps blood pressure and poor circulation
  • Helps reduce fluid retention
  • Helps fight infections
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